Monthly Archives: November

Find Out how Your Diet can Cause Cavities

Curing the Nail-Biting Habit Are you a tooth grinder?   Sometimes food that’s good for your body isn’t necessarily the best for your teeth. Drs. Janet Kan and Paul Chapman and our team want you to know which healthy foods can harm your teeth and gums, and what steps you can take to continue enjoying

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Curing the Nail-Biting Habit

Sealants: What are they and how do they help? Find Out how Your Diet can Cause Cavities   Do you ever find yourself gnawing at your nails? Nail-biting is a very common and difficult to break habit which usually has its beginnings in childhood. It can leave your fingers and nail beds red and swollen.

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Sealants: What are they and how do they help?

Alleviate Tooth Sensitivity Curing the Nail-Biting Habit   Molars are made up of canyons, caves, pits, and seemingly endless caverns that are a breeding ground for decay. The protective solution is a sealant. When done correctly, a sealant from Drs. Janet Kan and Paul Chapman of Rideau Dental on 4th St can be most effective

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Alleviate Tooth Sensitivity

Halloween: Candy, costumes, and more! Sealants: What are they and how do they help?   If a sip of ice water, spoonful of ice cream, or piping hot latte is enough to send shivers up your spine from tooth sensitivity, be assured you are not alone. It’s estimated that as many as one in eight

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Suite 303 1711 4 St SW

Calgary, Alberta T2S 1V8

(403) 228-3966

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Mon & Tue: 8am – 4pm
Wed: 7:15am – 12pm
Thurs: 7am – 3pm
Fri: 7:15am – 12pm

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